See this boy boy over here , it's mr chew's smallest son .
He doesnt want to smile to the camera ! and ie haf to make funny faces to make him smile.
While we were abt to start to eat , two people were injured .
It was the wooden chopstick thad pokes through their hand .
Not the whole chopstick poke through , it's the small stick thad coming out from the chopstick .
One of them is siewqi ,The other one idk, but ie think is a she , her's is easily taken out alrdy ,
butd siewqi's one , is ME who helped her take out ,
we took a v long time , and ie uses a safety pin to poke her hand so thad the thingy can come out la , dden , ie was so scared thad ie poked too deep ue noe! and thad siew qi hor ,
ie poking half way she shout and scares mie la ! And soon , it's taken out by me , thankyou thankyou , ie can be a doctor liao ! heex.
after the dinner ,it's cutting time !
Mary & simon (:
the cake ! (: nice ? it's the cake thad ive post abt my bro's bdae not long ago ! (:
Mr chew , kmin , and his family (:
And US (((:
Suddenly a bee came in and everybody run accept for qihao , see , he's trying to catch the bee (:
TA-DA , and this is the bee ((:
After tis we went to play the pig game ,
and went to haf our second round steamboat !
hahas , and iem gonna exercise ltr ! eaten too many alrdy .
OK , thad's it , theend .